Message handling

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Q: How do I upgrade/downgrade messages from Verific?

Verific message table, with notation as whether the error can be safely downgraded: Verific Message Table

(Access to Verific On-line Documentation requires login. Contact Verific if you don't know/don't have credentials).

You can set any message to any type below:

VERIFIC_NONE,         // print no prefix
VERIFIC_ERROR,        // print ERROR:
VERIFIC_IGNORE,       // ignore message (do not print message):
VERIFIC_INFO,         // print INFO:
VERIFIC_COMMENT,      // print --

For C++, use the following APIs:

Message::SetMessageType()       - Force a message type by message id
Message::GetMessageType()       - Get the message type by message id
Message::ClearMessageType()     - Clear a message type by message id
Message::SetAllMessageType()    - Force all messages of type 'orig' to behave as type 'type'.
Message::ClearAllMessageTypes() - Clear all forced message types

For Tcl, use the following commands:


Some Perl command examples:

# ignore message VNLR-1015
Verific::Message::SetMessageType("VNLR-1015", $Verific::VERIFIC_IGNORE);
# ignore all warning messages
Verific::Message::SetAllMessageType($Verific::VERIFIC_WARNING, $Verific::VERIFIC_IGNORE);

Note that downgrading an error may have unpredictable/undesirable results.

Q: How do I get messages with more details?

For "syntax error" messages, you can get messages with more details by enabling compile flag "VERIFIC_PRODUCE_VERBOSE_SYNTAX_ERROR_MESSAGE" or its runtime equivalent "verific_produce_verbose_syntax_error_message".

With these flags enabled, for syntax errors, the parsers will print the whole line and point to the exact token where the issue is.

For example, with:

1. module test (input c, output reg o) ;
2.     always@(*)
3.         unique priority case (c)
4.             1'b0 : o = 1'b1 ;
5.             1'b1 : o = 1'b0 ;
6.         endcase
7. endmodule

By default, the Verilog parser outputs:

-- Analyzing Verilog file 'test.v' (VERI-1482)
test.v(3): ERROR: syntax error near 'priority' (VERI-1137)
test.v(3): ERROR: SystemVerilog keyword priority used in incorrect context (VERI-2344)
test.v(4): ERROR: syntax error near '=' (VERI-1137)
test.v(5): ERROR: syntax error near '=' (VERI-1137)
test.v(3): ERROR: 'c' is not a constant (VERI-1188)
test.v(4): ERROR: 'o' is not a type (VERI-1281)
test.v(5): ERROR: 'o' is not a type (VERI-1281)
test.v(7): ERROR: module 'test' ignored due to previous errors (VERI-1072)
ERROR: analyze: failed (CMD-1014)

With "verific_produce_verbose_syntax_error_message" enabled, you'll see:

-- Analyzing Verilog file 'test.v' (VERI-1482)
test.v(3): INFO:         unique priority case (c) (VERI-2124)
test.v(3): INFO:                        ^ (VERI-2124)
test.v(3): ERROR: syntax error near 'priority', expecting 'case' or 'casex' or 'casez' or 'if' (VERI-1137)
test.v(3): ERROR: SystemVerilog keyword priority used in incorrect context (VERI-2344)
test.v(4): INFO:             1'b0 : o = 1'b1 ; (VERI-2124)
test.v(4): INFO:                       ^ (VERI-2124)
test.v(4): ERROR: syntax error near '=' (VERI-1137)
test.v(5): INFO:             1'b1 : o = 1'b0 ; (VERI-2124)
test.v(5): INFO:                       ^ (VERI-2124)
test.v(5): ERROR: syntax error near '=' (VERI-1137)
test.v(3): ERROR: 'c' is not a constant (VERI-1188)
test.v(4): ERROR: 'o' is not a type (VERI-1281)
test.v(5): ERROR: 'o' is not a type (VERI-1281)
test.v(7): ERROR: module 'test' ignored due to previous errors (VERI-1072)
ERROR: analyze: failed (CMD-1014)

Other useful APIs

    // Control if messages going to console:
    SetConsoleOutput(unsigned console_output)

    // Control if messages going to a logfile:
    OpenLogFile(const char *log_file)