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Revision as of 15:59, 21 January 2020

In Verilog parsetree, hierarchical references are of type VeriSelectedName. Note that the "_suffix_id" fields are resolved only in statically-elaborated parsetree. In other works, static elaboration has to be run in this application.

C++: #include <iostream> #include "VeriCopy.h" // Make class VeriMapForCopy available #include "Map.h" // Make class Map available #include "Message.h" // Make message handlers available #include "veri_file.h" // Make verilog reader available #include "VeriModule.h" // Definition of a VeriModule and VeriPrimitive #include "VeriLibrary.h" #include "Array.h" // Make class Array available #include "VeriId.h" // Definitions of all verilog identifier nodes #include "Strings.h" // Definition of class to manipulate copy, concatenate, create etc... #ifdef VERIFIC_NAMESPACE using namespace Verific ; #endif class HierRefVisitor : public VeriVisitor { public: HierRefVisitor() {} virtual ~HierRefVisitor() {} virtual void VERI_VISIT(VeriSelectedName, node) { VeriIdDef *suffix_id = node.GetId() ; node.PrettyPrint(std::cout, 0) ; std::cout << std::endl ; if (suffix_id) { std::cout << " Suffix id is " << suffix_id->GetName() << std::endl ; } else { std::cout << " Suffix id is NOT FOUND " << std::endl ; } VeriName *prefix = node.GetPrefix() ; if (prefix) prefix->Accept(*this) ; } } ; int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) Message::PrintLine("Default input file: test.sv. Specify command line argument to override") ; const char *file_name = 0 ; if (argc>1) { file_name = argv[1] ; // Set the file name as specified by the user } else { file_name = "test.sv" ; // Set default file name } if (!veri_file::Analyze(file_name, veri_file::SYSTEM_VERILOG)) return 1 ; // Return in case of failure. if (!veri_file::ElaborateAllStatic("work")) { return 1 ; } MapIter mi ; VeriModule *mod ; FOREACH_VERILOG_MODULE(mi, mod) { if (!mod || !mod->IsStaticElaborated()) continue ; std::cout << "Traversing module " << mod->GetName() << std::endl ; HierRefVisitor visit_obj ; mod->Accept(visit_obj) ; } return 0 ; }

test.sv module foo(input in, output out); test ii1(in, out); endmodule module top(input in, output out, out1); foo i1(in, out); assign out1 = i1.ii1.in1; endmodule module test(input in1, output out); assign out = in1; endmodule </nowili> Run: <nowiki> [hoa@awing0 200117_VisitSelectedName]$ test-linux -- Default input file: test.sv. Specify command line argument to override -- Analyzing Verilog file 'test.sv' (VERI-1482) test.sv(5): INFO: compiling module 'top' (VERI-1018) Traversing module foo Traversing module top i1.ii1.in1 Suffix id is in1 i1.ii1 Suffix id is ii1 Traversing module test [hoa@awing0 200117_VisitSelectedName]$