Finding hierarchical paths of a Netlist

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This application displays all hierarchical paths of Netlist of Cell 'bot1' in the Netlist Database.

#include "veri_file.h"
#include "DataBase.h"
#include "Strings.h"
#include "Array.h"

using namespace Verific ;

static void
GetHierPaths(const Netlist *nl, const char *suffix, Array &paths)
    if (!nl) return ;

    Set *refs = nl->GetReferences() ;
    char *new_suffix ;
    if (!refs) {
        // Reached top:
        Cell *cell = nl->Owner() ;
        const char *cell_name = (cell) ? cell->Name() : "" ;
        new_suffix = (suffix) ? Strings::save(cell_name, ".", suffix) : Strings::save(cell_name) ;
        paths.InsertLast(new_suffix) ;
        return ;

    // Get all the paths going up via these instances:
    SetIter si ;
    Instance *inst ;
    FOREACH_SET_ITEM(refs, si, &inst) {
        // Create the new suffix with this instance name:
        new_suffix = (suffix) ? Strings::save(inst->Name(), ".", suffix) : Strings::save(inst->Name()) ;
        GetHierPaths(inst->Owner(), new_suffix, paths) ;
        Strings::free(new_suffix) ;

static void
PrintPaths(const Netlist *nl, Array &paths)
    if (!nl || !paths.Size()) return ;

    const Cell *cell = nl->Owner() ;
    const char *cell_name = (cell) ? cell->Name() : "" ;

    unsigned i ;
    char *path ;
    FOREACH_ARRAY_ITEM(&paths, i, path) {
        nl->Info("Netlist %s(%s) is instantiated as '%s'", cell_name, nl->Name(), path) ;
        Strings::free(path) ;

    paths.Reset() ; // Elements are deleted above

int main()
    veri_file::Read("test.v", "work", veri_file::SYSTEM_VERILOG);

    // Get the netlist "bot1":
    Libset *glbl = Libset::Global() ;
    Library *lib = glbl->GetLibrary("work") ;
    Cell *cell = (lib) ? lib->GetCell("bot1") : 0 ;
    Netlist *nl = (cell) ? cell->GetFirstNetlist() : 0 ;

    // Get all the hierarchical paths of this netlist:
    Array paths ;
    GetHierPaths(nl, 0 /* no suffix */, paths) ;

    // Print all those paths:
    PrintPaths(nl, paths) ;

    return 0 ;

RTL testcase::

module top1();
    wire in_top1;
    mid1 m11();
    mid1 m12();
    mid2 m21();
    bot1 b11();

module top2();
    wire in_top2;
    bot1 b12();

module mid1();
    wire in_mid1;
    bot1 b1();
    bot2 b2();

module mid2();
    wire in_mid2;
    bot1 b1();

module bot1();
    wire in_bot1;

module bot2();
    wire in_bot2;


$ test-linux
-- Analyzing Verilog file 'test.v' (VERI-1482)
test.v(1): INFO: compiling module 'top1' (VERI-1018)
test.v(14): INFO: compiling module 'mid1' (VERI-1018)
test.v(25): INFO: compiling module 'bot1' (VERI-1018)
test.v(29): INFO: compiling module 'bot2' (VERI-1018)
test.v(20): INFO: compiling module 'mid2' (VERI-1018)
test.v(9): INFO: compiling module 'top2' (VERI-1018)
test.v(25): INFO: Netlist bot1() is instantiated as 'top1.m11.b1'
test.v(25): INFO: Netlist bot1() is instantiated as 'top1.m12.b1'
test.v(25): INFO: Netlist bot1() is instantiated as 'top1.m21.b1'
test.v(25): INFO: Netlist bot1() is instantiated as 'top1.b11'
test.v(25): INFO: Netlist bot1() is instantiated as 'top2.b12'