By Nanette Collins
Author’s note: I’m a long-time marketing consultant to Verific, having first met many of Verific’s great employees when we worked together at Exemplar Logic, now part of Mentor, a Siemens Business.

Few companies in the semiconductor or EDA space can boast about reaching their 20th anniversary. Fewer still can point to a loyal band of customers, some of whom bring the company’s products with them as they move between jobs, not once but multiple times.
Well then, few of them are Verific.
Verific just finished 2019 celebrating its 20th anniversary supplying the semiconductor industry with solid, all-but-de-facto-standard Parser Platforms. It boasts a band of loyal customers, a testament to its product quality, exceptional support and a culture that nurtures relationships
Join us as several of Verific’s fiercest customer fanbase fete Verific with anecdotes and loads of good wishes on reaching the 20-year mark. Part 1 of the six-part series features Scott Aron Bloom, now principal solutions architect at Mentor, a Siemens Business, as he recounts his long association with Verific.
- Part 1: Fierce Loyalty to Verific’s Value
- Part 2: Marrying Expertise to Avoid Redoing What’s Already Been Done
- Part 3: The Silent Partner
- Part 4: Good Partnership on All Levels
- Part 5: Going the Extra Mile
- Part 6: Verific’s Value Explained
To learn more about Verific’s Parser Platform, send email to or call (510) 522-1555.